Me : Why?
PAC: Why what?
ME: Why do you have a picture of Barack Obama in the likeness of Hitler?
PAC: Because Barack Obama is going to make america worse than Nazi Germany. We will become a facist country that is controlled by buisneses
ME: You know hitler stood for other things like killing jews and all non-whites (the guy im talking to is black mind you)
PAC: Yea but we're just talking about his economic policies.
Me: Well don't you think that its a little irresponsible to use Hitler as a symbol? Maybe a tad extreme? Most people associate hitler with genocide and not really at all with economics.
PAC: Yes, it is ironic.
Me: That isn't irony....What is ironic is all of the anti-semetic sentiment that has come from larouche in the past 60 years. I feel like he has a lot in common with Hitler
PAC: Thats not true.
Me: Umm No it is true, but what is not true is any economic prediction made by larouche....ever.
PAC: I attended college in Maryland and......
Me(interrupting): What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
PAC: You obviously don't know what you're talking about and you don't want to listen to me so can you please leave?
Me: I don't know what I'm talking about? Would you like me to bring back documentation?
PAC: Yes please do.
So enraged, i go get some god damn documentation. I put together some shit and 30 mins later i come back at him with this :
Judaism is not a true religion, but only a half-religion, a curious appendage and sub-species of Christianity."
"Judaism is ideological abstraction of the secular life of Christianity's Jew, the Roman merchant-userer who had not yet evolved to the state of Papal enlightenment, a half-Christian, who had not developed a Christian conscience."
Source: "Zionism Is Not Judaism" Editorial, The Campaigner, December 1978.
"Judaism is the religion of a caste of subjects of Christianity, entirely molded by ingenious rabbis to fit into the ideological and secular life of Christianity. In short, a self- sustaining Judaism never existed and never could exist. As for Jewish culture otherwise, it is merely the residue left to the Jewish home after everything saleable has been marketed to the Goyim."
Source : "The Case of Ludwig Feuerbach", Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., (under pen name L. Marcus), The Campaigner, December 1973.
A LaRouche network newspaper insert distributed in Illinois declared that "as a category, gays and lesbians do not represent a valid voting constituency, and neither do prostitutes, drug pushers, child molesters, warlocks, witches, pornographers, or others who are morally equivalent."
Source: "End Harold Washington's Consistently Disgusting Career," Illinois Tribunal, July 7, 1986, editorial page. The Illinois Tribunal, Volume XVII, No. 36, July 7, 1986, p. 1.
LaRouche was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison for federal conspiracy, mail fraud and tax law violations.Six of LaRouche's aides and fundraisers also were convicted. Prosecutors argued that LaRouche "oversaw a fund-raising effort in which loans were solicited with false assurances to lenders," according to the Washington Post. Criminality
LaRouche was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison for federal conspiracy, mail fraud and tax law violations. Six of LaRouche's aides and fundraisers also were convicted. Prosecutors argued that LaRouche "oversaw a fund-raising effort in which loans were solicited with false assurances to lenders," according to the Washington Post. Caryle Murphy.
According to LaRouche, The Beatles (who "had no genuine musical talent") were created by the "British Psychological Warfare Division" and promoted "by agencies which are controlled by British intelligence."
Source: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., "Why Your Child Became A Drug Addict," Campaigner Special Report, 1978.
LaRouche Predicted that Bloomberg would be the next president
Souce: ME

Meanwhile, the editors of Executive Intelligence Review were publishing every week these comparative charts between the crash of 1929-30 and of 1987-88. BUT... by mid-1988 they eventually stopped this intellectual exercise. Why? Look at this:

He tried to deny everything.
I gave him a copy and told him to look up the sources.
Then I gave the girl holding a free hug sign next to him a hug and then he left.
These people are a fucking cult.
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